Dudley's Blog

How Can I Know the Will of God?

One question I am often asked as a pastor is, How will I know what God’s plan is for my life exactly? I share with people that God reveals His plan to us in many, many ways. Some folks live as though God never speaks to them, but He speaks to us in a thousand ways. He communicates His plan to us through the Bible. By reading the Word, we discover that the Lord’s will…

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Trusting God

Trust is a prevalent theme throughout the Bible, appearing 186 times in the New King James Version. Trusting God is a vital element of your personal journey to conquer any impossible obstacle you are facing today. If you desire to bring God into the equation and expect supernatural results, then you have to trust that God has your best interest in mind—that, no matter what curve ball life may throw at you, your future rests…

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Matters of the Heart

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and love is in the air. Everywhere you turn, you’ll see heart decorations in storefront windows and on greeting cards, and heart-shaped boxes with chocolate, candy, or jewelry inside. The heart is the symbol of love, but it has also become known as the source of a person’s intuition, emotion, and feeling. How many times in your life have you been encouraged to follow your heart when you were faced with…

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20 Reasons Why You Should be in Church

I know there are many excuses for why people do not attend church faithfully. I know that as long as man is involved, the church will always have its flaws. I totally get that on any given Sunday, there are a thousand other things to do besides gathering the family to attend a local church. I also understand that it’s possible for you to actually show up at a church and feel as though you…

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