20 Reasons Why You Should be in Church

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I know there are many excuses for why people do not attend church faithfully. I know that as long as man is involved, the church will always have its flaws. I totally get that on any given Sunday, there are a thousand other things to do besides gathering the family to attend a local church. I also understand that it’s possible for you to actually show up at a church and feel as though you didn’t get anything out of it. (Just so you know, going to church has more to do with the praise and worship you have to offer God than anything you expect to receive.)

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For what its worth (and in my opinion, this list is priceless) let me share with you just a few of the many reasons why I believe you should be in church each and every weekend. These are the benefits of belonging to a local congregation—a partial list of why church should be a priority. While this is a small list, it is powerful, because each one is reason enough to attend. Add them or multiply their collective value and you quickly discover it’s the ONLY place to be on Sunday.

  1. God will be there. Enough said.
  2. It’s where you learn God’s word…. What is that worth?
  3. You are commanded to be there… Sorry, it’s true. 
(Hebrews 10:25)
  4. Salvation is available and recommended… Why wouldn’t you want that?
  5. You’ll discover God’s perfect and pleasing will for your life. Priceless
  6. A place of prayer. You actually get to talk to God…Wow!
  7. Communion is served each week, in obedience to Jesus’ request.
  8. People are baptized there, each week, into Christ.
  9. It’s literally belonging to the family of God.
  10. You’ll find help in resisting all kinds of temptation.
  11. It’s a place to use your gifts to serve the Body of Christ.
  12. It is an investment in things that are eternal.
  13. The best place to reinforce Godly principles to your children.
  14. Worship that prepares you for worship in heaven.
  15. When Jesus comes back, He’s coming for His Church, the bride.
  16. You’ll find accountability in your walk with the Lord.
  17. It represents what Heaven will look like.
  18. It’s a place to find food for your spiritual soul.
  19. God’s Spirit moves powerfully through the believer
  20. It strengthens one’s walk with the Lord.

Why not make Church a priority, and instead of focusing on what’s wrong with the church, find a way to see what’s good about the Church? Instead of criticizing the church, why not love, defend, and embrace the church?

Don’t forget, she is the Bride of Christ and one day soon, Jesus is going to return for His Bride. Will He find you in the church or will He find you outside the church? I’m praying and trusting that Church will become a priority for each and every person.




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