Dudley's Blog

A Mother’s Faith

When my grandmother met my grandfather, he was a lawyer for the United States government, working in Tulsa, Oklahoma. When they met and fell in love, he did what every respectable young man in that day would do: he took her home to meet his mother. But my grandfather had to warn my grandmother about something. “Millie, I’m taking you home to introduce you to my mom,” he said. “As soon as you walk in…

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What Happens When You Pray?

Is there someone in your life you hope will come to know Jesus and be saved? Pray for that person! God hears your prayers. Pray boldly. Pray consistently. It could make an eternal difference in a person’s life—even if it takes years and years for you to see the results. Let’s take a look at four spectacular things that happen when the component of prayer begins to be activated in your life: 1. Prayer Will…

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Three Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Sharing Your Faith

Fear is the biggest reason why we don’t get out of our comfort zone and tell others about Jesus. Maybe you envision something going horribly wrong once you speak up about what you believe. Perhaps you’re afraid you’ll fail. Or look foolish. Or do more harm than good. It’s true that any time we choose to share Jesus with others we risk being rejected. However, we cannot let fear rule over us because it will…

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What Will Heaven Be Like?

Heaven is not a figment of someone’s imagination or a mystical fairy tale. It is as real as the world you and I live in right now. When you try to imagine this glorious city, what do you think of? Fluffy clouds? Angels strumming harps? Philadelphia Cream Cheese? No, no, no. Forget about what you’ve seen in commercials, movies, and television. Let’s look to God’s Word, the Bible, for the truth about Heaven. Here are…

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