Where have I been????

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Below, in order: Dana Potter, Bill Ewing, Earl Everett, Derrick Giacomazzi, Dale Penn and yours truly… Missing is Kim Van… Kim, where were you today????

So sorry I haven’t written in a while…

I was out of town last week… I had to attend a meeting for a publishing company, but I did manage to squeeze in a day of fishing…. We were on a river… the New river in West Virginia, fishing for small mouth bass. It was a day of peace in the midst of a crazy hectic schedule…

This morning at 7:00 a.m., we had our LIFE! Group meeting. I have been meeting with this group of men for MANY years… the discussion is always so right on target. There have been several times where I wish that everyone could sit in and listen to these great men who have so much wisdom. Three of them are Elders in our church, and I never walk away without thinking how blessed I am to sit and learn from them.

I have often wished someone would actually pay to put this LIFE! Group on television. You know… like the television show, The View. We could call it, His View, and it would be five or six men sitting around a table talking about the Word of God. And I think both men and women would tune in to watch that.

Who knows… maybe somebody reading this blog will be willing to produce this LIFE! Group on television. I know that’s a bit presumtuous on my behalf, but week after week when I’m in this LIFE! Group, I wish other men could hear the discussion that takes place.

Have YOU attended a LIFE! Group this week? I hope so!!!



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