Walls Fall Down Interview with BookPal

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Recently I did an interview with Book Pal about my new book, Walls Fall Down: 7 Steps from the Battle of Jericho to Overcome Any Challenge. Elizabeth at Book Pal asked me a lot of great questions–from what inspired me to write the book, to who I would cast in a movie about the Battle of Jericho.

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This book project has been near and dear to my heart for quite some time now. It’s really about God bringing victory in the midst of an impossible situation. Just as God has a plan for Joshua and the Israelites long ago, He has a plan for you and me today.  We need to trust Him–no matter how unusual the plan might seem.  God’s way always leads to victory.

I believe Walls Fall Down will give many readers HOPE and the tools needed to walk in victory. I hope it will bless and encourage you and that you will share the book with someone who needs it. Check out my interview with Book Pal here: http://bookpalblog.com/2014/08/7-steps-to-spiritual-success-qa-with-pastor-dudley-rutherford/




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