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I loved church this past weekend. I love preaching through God’s word. A very strange thing happened Saturday night. Someone stood up and interrupted my sermon and started asking questions… It was bazaar.. I asked the gentleman to sit down and made it very clear that I could not answer his question at that time and HE KEPT ASKING QUESTIONS… I don’t know if that has ever happened to me before. I’ve seen a lot of people get up and walk out but I’ve never seen anyone stand up and interrupt the service like that. It was rather rude. I spend a lot of time working on my sermons. Then they are recorded where anyone in the world can watch them at http://www.callonjesus.com/ And when this man stood up he forced us to re-record the entire sermon… A lot of people spent a lot of hours in preparation for this one service and this one guy put all that work down the drain. Can you imagine what would happen if anyone who wanted to ask a question would stand up and just start yelling out their question? It would be total chaos. I am still in a state of shock over the whole thing but the thing that bothers me the most is that it was distracting for people who were there to listen and learn. There could have been an unsaved person right there who was on the verge of giving their life to Jesus and after this they might think this is the strangest church in America. Well, we pray that you’ll keep coming to church in spite of a few distractions.

We had a wonderful morning at the Westside Campus. It is so exciting to see God building up this new church. There is such a need. People are so anxious to hear the word. Try to come visit us sometime and you can check out this new campus at http://www.mywestsidechurch.com/

I’m a tad tired.. so I’m going to hit the hay!

Dud Man



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